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Wahrnehmung von Technik

Ab welchem Punkt nehme ich Technik als Technik wahr? Die Umwelt ist hochgradig technisiert, eine Unabhängigkeit davon ist nicht denkbar. Selbst argrarisch basierte Gesellschaften basieren auf Techniken, wenngleich es nicht solche innerhalb einer industrualisierten Umwelt sind. Keine Autos, kein Strom etc. The political or empowering issue of web 2.0 might be not so apparent in education as in the area of journalism, e. g. politics. without web 2.0 or the internet in general media seemed to be dominated by those who owned the corrsponding enterprises, the murdochs, kirch and springer etc. controlled and massively influenced mass media.
with technology you get an extra amount of choices. if you decide to turn on the light in the dark, you dispose of a couple of hours of extra time. if you take a car, it leads you somewhere, where you wouldn’t have gone otherwise.
well, that is what rogers calls an advantage in having an innovation. it must be sort of obvious.
but, and now coming to elearning. if i see a major advantage in access of information and learning in a manner that would not be possible otherwiese, then if i offer elearning in a context where i can get the information normally the meaning of this special advantage vanishes. if i can’t get the real experience i come to terms with the most adeaquate supplement.

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