Betty Collis, Jef Moonen, Web 2.0 tools and processes in higher education: quality perspectives. In: Educational Media International, Vol. 45, No. 2, June 2008, 93 – 106
Changes coming from Web 2.0 have impact on learning. Stated are uses of web 2.0 technologies in edcuation. Furthermore students make use of web 2.0 technologies outside the educational institutions. On the other hand web technologies do not foster pedagogical change, neither now nor in the past.
The article wants to „reflect on the likelihood of Web 2.0 tools and processes leading to pedagogical innovoation in practice in higher education“ (p. 96).
The reflection is made under the focus of quality perspectives: instructional, institutional and technology quality.
Instructional quality is analysed from the perspective of two teaching metaphors: the acquisition and the participatory approach.
The participatory approach has a further going branch of students designing course materials themselves. However, this is not without barriers because of student expectations and lacking pedagogical models.
Institutional quality deals with assessment as this is vital for a degree-granting organization. But quality also involves certain goals higher-ed should achieve: these are for instance competences required in modern workplaces: flexibility, creativity, expression of ideas, technical skills. These competences are seen as the same used with web 2.0 tools.
Further issues are value of student / user-generated content and intellectual property.
The technological quality is concerned with the vle barrier: the question of integration into existing IT-systems of newly emerging web 2.0-tools.
Adoption of web 2.0-tools in teaching are dependant on support for instructors and institutional procedures.
For the pedagogical models part there is mentioned the following site:
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